Monday 13 August 2012

Health Benefits of White Tea

White Tea is the least processed form of tea that is made from silver buds and selects leaves which have been steamed and dried.  White Tea contains more nutrients than black or green tea. White Tea is essentially the healthiest of all teas.

Benefits of White Tea:

* Loaded with Antioxidants
* Can help thin the blood and improve artery function
* Helps lower blood pressure
* Natural killer of bacteria and viruses
* Has beneficial effects for sufferers of arthritis and osteoporosis.
*Studies have shown that people who drank white tea regulary had greater bone density and strength than non drinkers.

The White Tea's that we offer are:

Silver Needles
White Peony
White Coconut Cream

Spend a few minutes just relaxing in My Sereni-Tea forgetting the everyday stresses of life and enjoy your calming White Tea!

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